What is a Data Logger?
A DATA LOGGER is a device which creates a record, or log, for later viewing and analysis. Some data loggers have internal sensors for common measurements such as temperature or humidity. Dogcatcher serial data loggers record a stream of RS-232 data on a USB stick. Dogcatchers are connected to a wide range of sensors, meters, scales and other devices.
A data logger provides an automated record of events for later analysis. Using a data logger means making decisions with more confidence. Then others can have confidence in your decisions, too.
The Dogcatcher gives you data to a USB stick or thumb drive for your convenience. The Dogcatcher is a serial data logger suitable for laboratory and industrial environments.

Why Use a Dogcatcher?
Dogcatcher serial data loggers give you the reliability of a proven system. They come in a compact, solid case with mounting tabs for easy assembly into your automation. We keep them in stock, ready for you.
Data loggers have been used to:
- Study the flying patterns of migrating birds
- Analyze the reintroduction of vulnerable birds & fish
- Monitor mine conditions
- Examine the performance of test cars
- Record experiments in outer space
… Use the Dogcatcher
WHEN you need to log data from a PLC
WHEN you want to collect a debug stream from your microcontroller
WHEN you have status provided in an RS-232 format
WHEN you don’t want to dedicate a computer to a job
WHEN you are on a deadline
The Original Dogcatcher
The original Dogcatcher is a quick and easy serial data logger solution for many applications with the most common RS-232 settings: 9600 baud, 8N1. The Dogcatcher is the most economical choice for use with most scales and many RFID systems.
The Dogcatcher 2
The Dogcatcher 2 is a feature rich serial to USB data logger. The user can select the RS-232 baud rate, enable or disable RTS/CTS handshaking, and configure timestamping. The configuration options on the Dogcatcher 2 serial data logger allow its use with many GPS systems, pressure sensors and automated test systems.