Dogcatcher Serial Data Loggers

The Dogcatcher Serial Data LoggersBrigantine Electronics LLC has been designing, manufacturing and shipping serial data loggers from Southwest Michigan since 2009. Brigantine looks forward to serving you with solutions for better automation.

Serial Data Loggers

What is a Data Logger?

A DATA LOGGER is a device which creates a record, or log, for later viewing and analysis. Some data loggers have internal sensors for common measurements such as temperature or humidity. Dogcatcher serial data loggers record a stream of RS-232 data on a USB stick. Dogcatchers are connected to a wide range of sensors, meters, scales and other devices.

A data logger provides an automated record of events for later analysis. Using a data logger means making decisions with more confidence. Then others can have confidence in your decisions, too.

The Dogcatcher gives you data to a USB stick or thumb drive for your convenience. The Dogcatcher is a serial data logger suitable for laboratory and industrial environments.

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Using the Dogcatcher

Why Use a Dogcatcher?

Dogcatcher serial data loggers give you the reliability of a proven system. They come in a compact, solid case with mounting tabs for easy assembly into your automation. We keep them in stock, ready for you.

Data loggers have been used to:

… Use the Dogcatcher

WHEN you need to log data from a PLC
WHEN you want to collect a debug stream from your microcontroller
WHEN you have status provided in an RS-232 format
WHEN you don’t want to dedicate a computer to a job
WHEN you are on a deadline

The Original DogcatcherThe Original Dogcatcher

The original Dogcatcher is a quick and easy serial data logger solution for many applications with the most common RS-232 settings: 9600 baud, 8N1. The Dogcatcher is the most economical choice for use with most scales and many RFID systems.

Learn more about the Original Dogcatcher

The Dogcatcher 2The Dogcatcher 2

The Dogcatcher 2 is a feature rich serial to USB data logger. The user can select the RS-232 baud rate, enable or disable RTS/CTS handshaking, and configure timestamping. The configuration options on the Dogcatcher 2 serial data logger allow its use with many GPS systems, pressure sensors and automated test systems.

Learn more about the Dogcatcher 2