The Dogcatcher 2 is a flexible RS-232 data logger with handshaking options, user settable baud rate and a configurable time stamp.

The Dogcatcher 2 has the industry standard features you expect.
- Data saved to USB stick can be read by most modern computers.
- The RS-232 baud rate is configurable between 2400 and 230,400.
- Time stamping can be enabled to occur after a user-selectable character or character pair.
- RS-232 RTS/CTS handshaking can be enabled or disabled.
- The rugged case is ready to be mounted in your application.
The Dogcatcher 2 RS-232 data logger is available with either a DB9 connector or with a 12 contact terminal block. Users have the option of powering the Dogcatcher 2 through the DB9 connector. The terminal block makes for easy hookup to the RS-232 signals, status, and a file close switch.
The Dogcatcher 2 captures RS-232 data at user selectable baud rates. Lower baud rates allow data logging from legacy systems and many newer GPS systems. Higher baud rates allow more data collection with readily available hardware.
User settings are conveyed to the Dogcatcher 2 through an optional configuration file. The file is read from the USB stick upon stick insertion. The user may opt to save custom settings to data logger flash.
Input voltage:
Input current:
Internally fused at 0.75A. Typical current is 0.1A. Actual current draw depends on memory stick used.
Communication settings:
8N1. The baud rate is user settable between 2400 baud and 230,400 baud. The Dogcatcher 2 expects RS232 standard voltages.
Data Capture:
Writes data to a USB stick. The filename is user settable.
Dogcatcher 2 Dimensions (PDF)
Dogcatcher 2 User Guide (PDF)