RS232 Data Logger

The Dogcatcher RS232 data logger is a physically and electronically robust device which collects data from a serial RS232 port and records the data to a USB memory drive.

The Original Dogcatcher
RS232 Data LoggerThe Original Dogcatcher collects RS232 data and writes it to a file on a USB memory stick. Ready to mount in your application right out of the box, the Dogcatcher features an enhanced operating temperature range of -30°C to 50°C. The Dogcatcher is a quick and easy solution for systems with the most common RS232 settings: 9600 baud, 8N1. The Dogcatcher serial data recorder has no configuration options.

Recording Media Size
The Dogcatcher serial data logger records data to USB sticks of any size, from kilobytes to tens of gigabytes. The size of the output file is limited to 4GB maximum per the FAT file system standard. For best results with a nearly full USB stick, Kingston drives are recommended.

Data Logger LightsThe Dogcatcher’s red and green LEDs serve as diagnostic aids. The red LED shows that serial data has arrived (a slow flash) and that the user may remove the USB stick (off or flashing). The green LED shows the presence of power (on or flashing) and that the USB thumb drive is recognized (LED on).


Input voltage:
Input current:
Internally fused at 0.75A. Typical current is 0.1A. Actual current draw depends on memory stick used.
Communication settings:
9600 baud, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow control. RS232 standard voltages.
Capture speed:
Writes data after 64 bytes received, or 7 second timeout between received bytes.
Capture output:
Writes data to the file CAPTURE.TXT on flash drive, or if that file is present, appends data to the end of the file.
Capture format:
USB Flash drive must be formatted for a FAT file system. The majority of flash drives satisfy these requirements. Security enabled drives are not supported.

PDF DocumentOriginal Dogcatcher Dimensions (PDF)
Original Dogcatcher User Guide (PDF)